[CentOS-devel] working around stacked updates

Guillaume Derval guillaume.derval at student.uclouvain.be
Tue Jun 24 19:23:07 UTC 2014

I currently don’t understand anything of what is happening on git.centos.org. Seems far too complicated for me.

I don’t understand why a « rhel7 » branch does not exist… I think it would be simpler for everyone. Red Hat would simply put new sources on that branch, then CentOS developers would merge it with c7.

And it would certainly help to shut down this stupid controversy about « Red Hat taking the control of CentOS ».

Guillaume Derval.

Le 24 juin 2014 à 20:24, R P Herrold <herrold at owlriver.com> a écrit :

> Signé partie PGP
> On Tue, 24 Jun 2014, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> > > Will the 'as dropped' kernel and each intermediate kernel
> > > discussed by upstream in a RHSA, etc be published?  What is
> > > the plan as to anaconda integration?
> > So that means we can build both kernels from git ... one to put onto the
> > iso, the other one (now two after we apply the same changes to the new
> > kernel-3.10.0-123.4.2.el7)
> >
> > These kind of changes will only happen when Red Hat imports 2 versions
> > in before we have a chance to modify the first version ... which will
> > only likely happen on point releases?
> It is of course a black box to outsiders as to WHO is making
> such commits into the git.centos.org image, when they are all
> mashed together without commit history.  The 'initial drop'
> seemingly was from another git, but eliding all commit
> comments and differentiation as to who the committer was, date
> of same, etc.
> One assumes RHT Release Engineering and others inside RHT have
> commit rights on that tree ... the trick in understanding the
> security model and ability to dis-aggregate who committed what
> without history
> It was clearly not, as some have opined, a simply unroll of
> SRPMs and import, as there are several packages with no spec
> file present.  List in the file:
> 	https://github.com/herrold/tool-tips/blob/master/clefos/fixup-dist.sh
> in the second 'HERE' document.  The first outlines spec files
> needing dist tagfixup
> How does one obtain commits in the centos 'git' tree?  I
> understand the model at Github, and am of course well willing
> to receive pull requests
> -- Russ herrold
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