[CentOS-devel] CBS/Infra Meeting Tomorrow 22-Sept 13:00 UTC

Sun Sep 21 17:45:03 UTC 2014
Brian Stinson <bstinson at ksu.edu>

Greetings everyone!

The CBS and Infrastructure teams will be meeting tomorrow, 
Monday, 22-September 2014 at 13:00 UTC in #centos-devel on freenode.

Suggested topics:

#topic Greetings

#topic Old Business
- FAS/IPA Testing
- Centpkg Progress

#topic Brainstorm SIG branch and build target names
- Proposal will go out to the centos-devel ML

#topic Open Floor

Brian Stinson
bstinson at ksu.edu | IRC: bstinson | Bitbucket/Twitter: bstinsonmhk