[CentOS-devel] LIS vs hyperv-daemons for Centos

Tue Nov 29 16:12:42 UTC 2016
Praveen Kumar <kumarpraveen.nitdgp at gmail.com>


Past 2 days we are trying to debug why our live centos images[0] is
not working with hyperV and facing issue similar to [1]. After reading
I was confuse that should we need to add Linux Integration Services
(LIS) also during our live images creation or hyperv-daemons would be
enough for us[2]. I tried to include hyperv-daemons package and even
kvpd service running but still communication not happening from the
VM. I might be missing some piece and happy to provide more info if
required to debug it.

[0] https://github.com/LalatenduMohanty/centos-live-iso
[1] https://github.com/rancher/os/issues/427
[2] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Virtualization_Host_Configuration_and_Guest_Installation_Guide/ch08s02.html
(check Important section)

Praveen Kumar