[CentOS-devel] 1708 ipa

Fri Aug 11 22:48:59 UTC 2017
Jacco Ligthart <jacco at redsleeve.org>

On 11-08-17 12:53, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On 11/08/17 12:13, Jacco Ligthart wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I noticed a difference between ipa in git.centos.org and the src.rpm
>> used on buildlogs.centos.org.
>> my guess is that the latest manual debranding was not pushed to git.
>> as a second item: any idea when we could have access to signed versions
>> of the src.rpms? I know that they might still change, but it would help
>> me for the redsleeve build effort if I had access to the current
>> (signed) set.
>> Jacco
> Hi Jacco, the .src.rpm are only signed and pushed to vault.centos.org
> after the distro was validated by QA and so released.
> In the mean time, you can find ( as you did ) those on either
> buildlogs.centos.org (for x86_64) or armv7.dev (like
> https://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/c71708-pass-1/ipa/4.5.0-20.el7.centos/SRPM/ipa-4.5.0-20.el7.src.rpm
> in this example)
> But worth noting that both are also unsigned
I was hoping that they would be earlier available. Specifically, I hoped
that it would be at 'CR' time in stead of at distro release time.
