[CentOS-devel] Anyone using the serial console from our Vagrant boxes?

Thu May 18 07:12:35 UTC 2017
Laurentiu Pancescu <lpancescu at gmail.com>

On 18/05/17 00:50, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> the serial console setup is used by various virt stacks to deliver -any-
> console interface. Its certainly used in the libvirt/kvm world quite a bit.

I had pushed further commits to PR #98 8 days ago, restoring the serial 
console, but setting tty0 as the default.  It works well with VirtualBox 
on macOS: I can even login on the serial console when networking is 
broken (only on 7, since 6 doesn't start getty by default - I can add 
it, if there's interest in that). [2]

I was hoping to release a Hyper-V image in 1704, this is the only thing 
holding us back - I would appreciate further feedback on PR #98 (or 
merging into master).


[1] https://github.com/CentOS/sig-cloud-instance-build/pull/98
[2] https://www.laurentiupancescu.com/blog/5913767b/