[CentOS-devel] SIG updates requested for July newsletter

Rich Bowen

rbowen at redhat.com
Tue Jun 19 19:11:31 UTC 2018

The July CentOS newsletter is being drafted, and we need to hear from 
the SIGs. If you have something that you'd like to announce to the wider 
CentOS user audience, please let me know.

The draft is growing here : https://wiki.centos.org/Newsletter/1802

You can

* (if you have write access) add items directly to the draft

* email me directly at rbowen at centosproject.org with what you want to say.

* Or, if you put #info items in your IRC meeting minutes, I'll see those 
when you post your minutes (ie, I'll see them here: 
https://www.centos.org/minutes/2018/June/ ) and add those to your 
section of the newsletter.


Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166

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