[CentOS-devel] contributions to websites

Rich Bowen rbowen at redhat.com
Fri Mar 29 15:35:21 UTC 2019

On 3/28/19 11:32 AM, Florian Winter wrote:
> On 3/28/19 3:53 PM, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
>> I don't remember if that was discussed at all .. but if it was, it was
>> probably on the centos-docs list :)I searched the centos-devel/docs archive and couldn't find an announcement.
> https://github.com/jasonbrooks/centos.org
>> I don't think such list exist, and also if something like this is done,
>> I'd love to see that on either git.centos.org (and migration coming soon
>> to pagure, so easier collaboration) or github.com/CentOS  ?
> I think something like this would be great, to know what's going on,
> where to contribute, avoid repeating questions from contributors and so
> on ...

Hey, Florian,

On reading more, I see that I misunderstood what Pelican is - that it's 
another generate-a-static-site tool, like Jekyll, not a dynamic web 
framework. Thus, content would still be maintained in markdown, making 
it easy for the community to submit site changes/patches.

That kind of changes the conversation for me.

So ... I was wondering, is this something that you'd have the time and 
willingness to spearhead, if we went that direction instead of Jekyll? 
The content is already in markdown, and so moving to Pelican should be 
pretty much drop-in.  We have a handful of elements on the site that are 
dynamic-ish (like the sponsor listing) but most of it is just static 

What you do you think?

Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166

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