[CentOS-devel] contributions to websites

Florian Winter florianwinter at leetbit.com
Fri Mar 29 18:08:24 UTC 2019

On 3/29/19 4:35 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> Hey, Florian,
> On reading more, I see that I misunderstood what Pelican is - that it's
> another generate-a-static-site tool, like Jekyll, not a dynamic web
> framework. Thus, content would still be maintained in markdown, making
> it easy for the community to submit site changes/patches.
> That kind of changes the conversation for me.
> So ... I was wondering, is this something that you'd have the time and
> willingness to spearhead, if we went that direction instead of Jekyll?
> The content is already in markdown, and so moving to Pelican should be
> pretty much drop-in.  We have a handful of elements on the site that are
> dynamic-ish (like the sponsor listing) but most of it is just static
> content.
> What you do you think?

Hi Rich,

I don't know how the CentOS community decide such development decisions.
If everyone agrees to this, I think I can do the task.

best regards,

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