[CentOS-devel] CentOS 8 srpms and debuginfos

Fabian Arrotin

arrfab at centos.org
Wed Sep 25 15:26:30 UTC 2019

On 25/09/2019 16:27, Dominique Martinet wrote:
> Hi,
> (Welcome to supporting a new distro hell -- thanks for all the work
> getting CentOS 8 out and everything involved)
> As usual, I come myself needing some debuginfo packages pretty fast, and
> found that both debuginfo.centos.org and vault.centos.org (and thus
> their mirrors either) are yet to have any 8 directory (8.0.1905 or
> 8-stream)
> For the srpms, since I've already been told twice I've finally
> remembered I could get them on git.centos.org e.g. 
> https://git.centos.org/rpms/kernel/commits/c8
> For the debuginfos I can obviously just rebuild what sources I got
> locally and carry on.
> So this isn't a pressing question at all, but when are the two estimated
> to become more broadly available ?
> (Will the 'Stream' version work the same? git.centos.org does not have a
> c8-stream branch, for example, so it might just be a binary dump of some
> internal rhel git?)
> Cheers,

So, welcome to the "infra hell" of new release and so having to wait for
network to stabilize to be able to send to vault/debuginfo :)

Johnny started to work on pushing src.rpm to vault.centos.org and
debuginfo to debuginfo.centos.org nodes, so expect those to land
(slowly) on those nodes in the next days.

As you said, for src.rpm, normally you wouldn't need that, as everything
was built from git.centos.org for 8/8-stream (except the kernel from
8-stream, which will be pushed there after the branch name will be
decided, so for that one, for the time being, you'll find it on
vault.centos.org too)

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab

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