[CentOS-devel] Missing -devel packages
plageat at tut.by
plageat at tut.bySat Aug 15 22:06:20 UTC 2020
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> 13.08.2020, 18:08, "Johnny Hughes" <johnny at centos.org>: > > We are working on a public mirror of the koji files .. they should be > downloadable from there when it is available. I don't know when that is > going to happen. Just keep official repos like they are in RHEL without -devel ot -libs or whatever in according with errata. But it would be very VERY nice to have all '(download)' things to be downloadable instead of '403 'Forbidden' for any build on https://koji.mbox.centos.org. Signed or not - does not really matter. We just need them in 99.999% cases for build reproducibility for our soft or modifications in CentOS as users. We do not really expect any support from CentOS on them or depended builded by us software modifications. Just like it was a year ago during 8.0beta. Just like we can download everything from https://buildlogs.centos.org for el7 (and this is super usefull). That is the point the whole community is waiting for a year or more and keep creating dozen repeated bugs/topics here.
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