[CentOS-devel] https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/

Sat Dec 12 09:30:57 UTC 2020
Simon Avery <digdilem at gmail.com>

On Sat, 12 Dec 2020 at 02:15, Trevor Hemsley via CentOS-devel <
centos-devel at centos.org> wrote:

> Now, you've not only let down a lot of people by withdrawing support for
> CentOS, which would have been bad but understandable, you've also
> allowed EOL expectations to remain and you released a product in 2019
> that everyone assumed was set to remain until 2029. You didn't disabuse
> anyone of the expectation that it would remain for 10 years. You
> *deliberately* kept quiet about it. That was stupid. Possibly even
> borderline dishonest. Certainly disingenuous. So now you have a very
> large number of systems out there which a lot people have put a lot of
> effort into installing with CentOS Linux 8 that either need to be
> reinstalled with something else or people need to get used to them being
> broken on a regular basis. I am very sure that that will not have made
> you popular.

Thank you for articulating much clearer the point I  (@digdilem) rather
clumsily tried to put across in  #centos-devel yesterday. I absolutely
refuse to accept that nobody at Redhat noticed the EOL had been changed for
C8 in all the many months it was there.

I consider that ignoring this is bad faith acting of the highest order.
Every day it was left was another day people like myself happily migrated
Centos 6 servers to Centos 8 expecting a nice long support time before we'd
need to do that again. (And it's far from trivial for us)  To see senior
Redhat staff still blaming the community for changing that, and STILL
expressing surprise that "We never guessed someone would edit the wiki!" is

Redhat has gone from one of the good guys into the Linux scene to one of
the worst overnight. That's tragic. And, as we're the people who influence
business decisions, bad business - short, medium and long term. I've done
Redhat certified training and my company put money into their pocket for
it, mostly because my work focused on Centos. To have heard Centos talked
about like it was nothing but a leech on Redhat's profits is disheartening.

Sorry to the people like yourself who put far more into Centos than I ever
did. I hope that, when you're ready, you find another project worthy of
your time and skill.

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