[CentOS-devel] Handling packages retired in epel but not yet available in CentOS?
Michel Alexandre Salim
michel at michel-slm.nameThu May 14 19:31:40 UTC 2020
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Hi, We're working on validating CentOS 8 for some desktop use cases at work, and noticed that after working fine on a machine that's installed several months ago, it's now failing on a freshly-installed machine. Turns out that we need libzstd, which on the previous machine was sourced from the EPEL repo, but the epel8 package got retired 3 months ago because the package is now in RHEL's BaseOS: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/zstd/history/dead.package?identifier=epel8 The package is only in BaseOS in 8.2 though, and CentOS 8.2 is not out -- the only repo that has it now is 8-stream: https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/centos/8-stream/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/ 8.1.1911 does not have the package: https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/centos/8.1.1911/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/ Also, the version in BaseOS (if 8-stream is up to date) is 1.4.2, which is older than the last version in EPEL (1.4.4). Is anyone else in the same situation, and how do you work around it? Since EPEL is a sort of "rolling release" does it make sense to just track 8-stream if you're using it, or are people resorting to hosting these key packages in internal repos? Thanks, -- Michel Alexandre Salim profile: https://keybase.io/michel_slm chat via email: https://delta.chat/ GPG key: 96A7 A6ED FB4D 2113 4056 3257 CAF9 AD10 ACB1 BEF2
- Previous message: [CentOS-devel] [CloudSIG] mtg minutes 2020-05-14
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