[CentOS-devel] releasever does not contain variant as expected

Thu Dec 9 06:21:11 UTC 2021
Marc Dequènes (Duck) <duck at redhat.com>


On 12/8/21 18:31, Fabian Arrotin wrote:

> Well, I think it was already discussed multiple times on this list but 
> yeah, $releasever is and will remain the corresponding version so 
> 8-stream will answer 8 and 9-stream will answer 9. Stream uses another 
> yum/dnf variable called "stream" :

Sorry, missed that.

> That's the reason why even for CentOS Infra we have a specific {{ 
> centos_version }} declared in our ansible inventories that was 8 and now 
> by default is 8-stream for the kickstart we use :

That's what I did in our role too, but I was expecting it to be a 

Well, hopefully this will all go away when we stop using non-stream.

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