[CentOS-devel] re CVE errata in CentOS Stream

Sat Feb 27 13:52:16 UTC 2021
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 2/26/21 12:57 PM, redbaronbrowser via CentOS-devel wrote:
> On Friday, February 26, 2021 8:33 AM, Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:
>> I get it, people want what they had. Hell, I want it too. If / When
>> the other downstream RHEL source code builds happen, use them if that is
>> what you want. None of that requires bashing CentOS. CentOS is not
>> bashing any of those distros.
> Ok.  But why is that what you want too?
> Why isn't KW's blog post enough to consider Stream a win-win?

If you have to ask this question .. then you know nothing about me or
the CentOS Project.

I personally built and released 95% of the CentOS Linux packages from
CentOS Linux 4.0 on.  It is really my life's passion for the last 17

I was very upset / depressed when CentOS Linux 8 was given an early EOL.
 I do not now, nor will I ever like (or agree with) the decision.  I get
to have my opinion.  I also work for Red Hat.  I am not the decider .. I
am an employee.  So I do what I can do.

That fact has nothing to do with CentOS Stream, which I do feel is the
best open source enterprise distro available since there will be no
CentOS Linux moving forward (except CentOS 7 until the nomral EOL).  I
also think Stream helps both Red Hat and RHEL customers.

I have no idea what your agenda is.  I do know who is working on the
CentOS Stream project and I know what is being done on a daily basis.

Stream will absolutely be a great distribution.

Whether it meets your needs or not, only you can decide.