[CentOS-devel] [EXT] Re: Discussion: Open technical questions concerning SIG content for RHEL releases

Wed Apr 5 10:06:59 UTC 2023
Peter Georg <peter.georg at physik.uni-regensburg.de>

On 04/04/2023 13.58, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On 03/04/2023 19:03, Peter Georg wrote:
>> (Second) gentle reminder that the second question below has not been 
>> addressed yet. Any thoughts? Thanks for taking your time!
>> It'd also be helpful if anybody can provide any information on who I 
>> need to ping to get a decision on that matter. Thanks!
>> On 27/01/2023 12.38, Peter Georg wrote:
>>> Gentle reminder that the second question below has not been addressed 
>>> yet. Any thoughts? Thanks for taking your time.
>>> On 15/12/2022 00.04, Peter Georg wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>> <snip>
>>>> The second open question concerns the centos-release-* packages 
>>>> provided by SIGs to allow users to easily consume SIGs' content. For 
>>>> 8s and 9s the CBS tags 
>>>> extras<el>-extras-common-{candidate,testing,release} are used to 
>>>> build these packages. This repository is added in CentOS Stream 8 
>>>> and 9.
>>>> For packages build for RHEL 8 and 9 there is currently no common way 
>>>> to provide any means of easing the process to consume SIGs' content.
>>>> My proposal to fix this is by adding 
>>>> extras<el>-extras-common-{candidate,testing,release} for <el> = 8 
>>>> and 9, i.e., using the same system as currently used for 8s and 9s.
>>>> To further ease the process I propose to introduce a package named 
>>>> centos-release-extras which contains the repository config pointing 
>>>> to the content of the tags 
>>>> extras<el>-extras-common-{testing,release} (only -release enabled by 
>>>> default) and the CentOS-SIG-Extras GPG key. The 
>>>> centos-release-extras packages itself would be built in the 
>>>> extras<el>-extras-common-el<el> build target. Users of RHEL would 
>>>> then only need to install this single package to allow them to 
>>>> easily install any other centos-release-* packages. Obviously 
>>>> someone needs to maintain the centos-release-extras package. I 
>>>> volunteer to maintain this package.
>>>> [1]: https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/82
>>>> [2]: https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/1002
> I'm not "authoritative" to answer that question, but why not simply just 
> build your -release package in your tag, and let it go to mirror in that 
> repository ? people using RHEL (or a rebuild) can just get it from 
> there, the same way that people using RHEL are consuming EPEL   : point 
> to a mirror for the -release package and that's it ? 
> (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/#_el9)
> Just my two cents :)

In case there is never an answer by anyone who is "authoritative", that 
is a viable alternative. However I think the approach I suggested has 
several advantages for users, hence I'd like to further pursue it.

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