[CentOS-devel] RFC (Request for Comments) : future of lists.centos.org (aka centos mailing-lists)

Thu May 11 14:00:38 UTC 2023
Amy Marrich <amy at redhat.com>

I was like why wasn't there an option1, so yeah maybe the options were
under the description vs on top, it was before 9am my time:)

*Amy Marrich*


Principal Technical Marketing Manager - Cloud Platforms

Red Hat, Inc <https://www.redhat.com/>

amy at redhat.com

Mobile: 954-818-0514

Slack:  amarrich

IRC: spotz

On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 8:55 AM Josh Boyer <jwboyer at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 9:33 AM Amy Marrich <amy at redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe I'm old school but I just like Mailing Lists and things being
> brought to my attention.
> >
> > Considering the Python 2.8 issue my suggestion would be option 3, with
> the possibility of a short term move to option 2 if we needed to fill in a
> gap as long as it was a progressive step.
> By my count, option 3 was "something else".  Did you mean "migrate to
> mailman3"?
> Seems like a lot of work for relatively little gain.
> josh
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