[CentOS-docs] Suggestions on "I Need the Kernel Source" Wiki pages

Mon Jul 14 19:13:29 UTC 2008
Antti J. Huhtala <ahuhtal4 at welho.com>

ma, 2008-07-14 kello 06:07 -0700, Akemi Yagi kirjoitti:

> This is most likely because you missed the step of adding the # i386
> (or #x86_64) line.  Could you check this out?
> Akemi

That was it, indeed. Looks like "Custom Kernel" HowTo survived "the
idiot test" by me. One question though: when installing the rpms as the
last step (rpm -ivh kernel-*.rpm), I get "error: can't create
transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/_db.000". That means I should do it as
root, doesn't it? Perhaps the HowTo could mention this even if it might
be reasonably obvious that only root can install kernels...
