[CentOS-docs] Request to Edit Wiki

Wed May 18 22:05:41 UTC 2011
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 05/19/2011 01:02 AM, Mike Karasoff wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to contribute to the Wiki.  [...] would also like to add 
> information and tips on setting up CentOS machines for FPGA 
> (Quartus/ISE/Modelsim) development.
Would you mind sharing what you have in mind, as I am a bit confused on 
one hand and extremely interested on the other hand ? We make heavy use 
of  Modelsim | Questa / Specman / VCS and all the "centos setup" is more 
or less similar to

MGC_HOME=/apps/questasim/linux/mgls;export MGC_HOME
export PATH=${PATH}:/apps/questasim/linux
export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=1704 at ls4

In other words, nothing Centos specific, everything works "by default".

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