[CentOS-docs] KVM article update

Sat Jun 8 11:41:13 UTC 2013
Scott Robbins <scottro at nyc.rr.com>

As anyone who has looked at it knows, the KVM article, which was primarily
written by me, is way out of date and really only covers CentOS 5.
(Someone has added a link to the main RH docs page.)

The top section, covers
CentOS 6 in one sentence.  The other day, I was playing with it and came
across this article, which I found very well done. (Though for twenty
minutes, I couldn't get my bridge to work because in ifcfg-br0 I'd typed
Bridge rather than BRIDGE, kept getting incorrect number of arguments,
looked at it at least 10 times and didn't see my error.)


I would like to add that link to the one sentence on CentOS 6.  

Scott Robbins
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