[CentOS-docs] Fwd: WpaSupplicant how to

Thu Jun 6 09:37:53 UTC 2013
Carl T. Miller <carl at carltm.com>

On 06/06/2013 05:23 AM, Dan King wrote:
> As fro my ifcfg file for the interface, the didn't exist before I
> created while following the how-to. So at first I just had
> ONBOOT="yes"
> After some googling in attempts to fix my issue I modified it to have:
> TYPE=Wireless
> WPA=yes
> ONBOOT="yes"
> HWADDR=5C:D9:98:C2:0F:BD
> None of these fixed my issue and that is when I changed the line in the
> prepnet init script.

This explains everything.  The type should be ethernet, the wpa
doesn't do anything, and the bootproto was missing.

> After that I copied your entire ifcfg file for my interface, excluding
> the UUID because I wasn't sure how to determine what mine was and just
> modified the HWADDR to match my MAC address. This seems to have worked.

Very cool.  I'm glad to hear that it's working now.
