[CentOS-docs] new contributor

Fri Jan 2 21:11:26 UTC 2015
PatrickD Garvey <patrickdgarveyt at gmail.com>

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Christoph Galuschka <tigalch at tigalch.org>

> Am 02.01.2015 um 18:19 schrieb PatrickD Garvey:
>> On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com
>> <mailto:amyagi at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 8:52 AM, Christoph Galuschka
>>     <tigalch at tigalch.org <mailto:tigalch at tigalch.org>> wrote:
>>     > I've taken it up to do the RN-translations into German. Yes, those
>> are done
>>     > :) Currently I don't have more pages in mind, but that could
>> change. At the
>>     > time I started translating the RN, they where located at
>> .../German. So I
>>     > continued with that setup.
>>     >
>>     > Maybe someone with more language insight can give a better answer
>> into the
>>     > /de/ or .../German question (or for any other language with a
>> similar setup.
>>     Ralph, our wiki master, may have some view on this. He has been
>>     quiet though ...
>>     Akemi
>> Maybe he's just waiting to see if we can come to some consensus.
>> I think I have presented my case.
>>  I'm fine if with the /de/ setup as well :)
> But some work might have to be done with some pages at the /German, as
> accessing the same page with /de/ does not work currently (i.e. RN for
> C6.0).
> But - once we have a conclussion - I gladly do the necessary work to those
> pages.
> cheers
> Christoph

You are aware of the ?action=? <http://wiki.centos.org/RenamePage>RenamePage
command. Correct?

If memory serves me well, it leaves a redirection and preserves history.
Can someone confirm my memory is correct?
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