[CentOS-es] un sistema de reporte de insidencias (tickets)
O. T. Suarez
otsuarez en gmail.com
Vie Ago 31 15:53:09 UTC 2007
Cualquier semejanza con la realidad es pura coincidencia:
What is the OTRS?
OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System (also well known as
trouble ticket system) with many features to manage customer telephone
calls and e-mails. The system is built to allow your support, sales,
pre-sales, billing, internal IT, helpdesk, etc. department to react
quickly to inbound inquiries. Do you receive many e-mails and want to
answer them with a team of agents? You're going to love the OTRS!
On 8/30/07, "Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez" <centos en ecualinux.com> wrote:
> O. T. Suarez wrote:
> > Hola:
> >
> > Te cuento que estoy usando el otrs y me ha ido muy bien. Eso que
> Osvaldo Toja Resolution System? orts?
> --
> Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez
> http://www.ecualinux.com/
> USA: +1 305 359 4495 / España: +34 91 761 7884
> Ecuador: +593 2 341 2402 / + 593 9 9246504
> Mexico: +52 55 1163 8640 / Italia: +39 06 916504876
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