[CentOS-es] Ayuda con squidclamav
Victor Ramirez
victorrami en gmail.com
Mie Mar 5 00:41:56 UTC 2008
Hola a todos que tal
Estoy tratando de instalar el clamav con squid el squid ya esta configurado
y esta corriendo, tengo el clamav ya instalado tambien lei un articulo de la
al instalar squidclamav_redirector me manda el sig error. y no he
podido pasar de ahi ya actualize python pero ni asi alguien me puede ayudar.
yum -y install squidclamav_redirector.i386
Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Package squidclamav_redirector.i386 0:1.8.2-1.9.el4.lpt set to be
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: python-clamav for package: squidclamav_redirector
--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Package python-clamav.i386 0:0.3.2-.el4.lpt set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: libclamav.so.1 for package: python-clamav
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Missing Dependency: libclamav.so.1 is needed by package python-clamav
Gracias por su ayuda.
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