[CentOS-es] AUTO: Pablo Gonzalez is out of the office (returning 19/02/2011)
Pablo Gonzalez
pgonza en ar.ibm.com
Vie Feb 18 13:01:10 EST 2011
I am out of the office until 19/02/2011.
I will be out of the office starting Friday 02/18/2011 and I will return on
Thursday 03/10/2011
I will answer your e-Mails when I come back
In case of being necessary, please contact Nicolas Riccardi (Nicolas
Thank you,
Pablo Ariel Gonzalez Olivos II - Dr.
Nicolás Repetto 3676
TIM - Server Provisioning - OSP/ESD (B1636CTL) Olivos - Buenos Aires
Software Packager Argentina
Integrated Technology Delivery, Technology Integration & Management
Phone: +54-11-4005-6359 | Tie Line: 5730-6359
e-mail: pgonza en ar.ibm.com
Note: This is an automated response to your message "Re: [CentOS-es] Duda
64/32" sent on 18/2/11 10:05:42.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
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