[CentOS-es] una de postfix con centos

troxlinux xserverlinux en gmail.com
Jue Mayo 9 22:53:59 UTC 2013

señores gusto en saludarles , tengo un problemita con postfix+mysql+sasl ,
he cambiado la version por defecto que trae centos 6.4 y he puesto la 2.9x
y algo y aun asi me sigue dando problemas

ostfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin could not connect to host
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin couldn't connect to
any host
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin could not connect to
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin couldn't connect to
any host
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin could not connect to
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin couldn't connect to
any host
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin could not connect to
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: sql plugin couldn't connect to
any host

cuando me logeo con thunderbird no me deja enviar correos y no me acepta la
contraseña , por webmail sin problemas

unknown[190.2]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
May  9 16:49:21 shark postfix/smtpd[2926]: warning: unknown[190.2: SASL
LOGIN authenticatio

alguna idea?



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