[CentOS-es] problemas con mi dominio

VICTOR MANUEL VARGAS GONZALEZ victorm95 en hotmail.com
Mie Abr 20 18:09:58 UTC 2016

buenas tardes , me esta marcando esto cuando mando a algunas direcciones de email ,ya que con otras no tengo problema, uso sendmail

An SPF-enabled mail server rejected a message that claimed an envelope sender address of victorv en aagjc.com.mx.

An SPF-enabled mail server received a message from mail.aagjc.com.mx ( that claimed an envelope sender address of victorv en aagjc.com.mx.

However, the domain aagjc.com.mx has declared using SPF that it does not send mail through mail.aagjc.com.mx ( That is why the message was rejected.

If you are victorv en aagjc.com.mx:

aagjc.com.mx should have given you a way to send mail through an authorized server.

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