[CentOS-gsoc] gsoc 2015 projects

Wed Mar 11 06:48:48 UTC 2015
Lalatendu Mohanty <lmohanty at redhat.com>

On 03/04/2015 10:35 PM, Marios-Evaggelos Kogias wrote:
> Dear CentOS gsoc mentors,
> my name is Marios and I am a student from Greece. I participated in
> gsoc last year in LTTng project and I am interested in participating
> again this year in the CentOS project.
> I found the projects you proposed extremely interesting and I am
> really confused which one to choose to make my proposal for. So, I
> would like to ask some clarifying questions, which are groupped per
> project. I address my questions here but I am more than willing to
> talk with the equivalent mentors in IRC or mail. My questions are:
> * Centos cloud storage
> - Is glusterfs a prerequisite for the program? Is it possible to use
> another fs, eg CephFS, because I am familiar with the Ceph
> architecture, since I have partially worked with that.
Yes, GlusterFS has been chosen for this GSoC project. There are couple 
of reasons for it. One of the reason is that in Storage SIG Ceph 
packages are not available till now.

However GlusterFS architecture is easy to pick-up. If you are interested 
I can point to getting started documents. I think 1 or 2 days is enough 
to have a basic understanding of GlusterFS.

> * Lightweight Cloud instance contextualisation tool
> Can I have some more details about this project especially as far as
> the lightwieght part is concerned. As I imagine this tool will not be
> CentOS specific, right?
> * Xen based Hypervisor in a Box
> According to the ideas page "the aim of this task is to build an
> installer instance". So, will the result be like a live CD where the
> user can try different CentOS versions, or a new instance that from
> the time is installed xen is running and several CentOS VMs can be
> initiated.
> * App to trim containers
> Is this project about docker containers or containers in general? Are
> there any specific ideas and tools in mind behind that project or it
> is more of a research project?
> * Cloud in a box
> Is there any prerequisite about the cloud software that should be
> used? There are a lot of choices eg OpenStack, oVirt, synnefo
> As you can understand from my questions I am more interested in cloud
> and virtualization projects and CentOS is among the few gsoc projects
> that offer me this chance.
> I am looking forward your reply.
> Best regards,
> Marios
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