[CentOS-gsocadmin] How does google allocate the slots for organizations?

Thu Mar 5 23:19:28 UTC 2009
Bill Scheel <linuxrockz at gmail.com>

For those not subscribed to the GSOC mailing list:
How does google allocate the slots for organizations?

Our first cut at student allocations starts based on an organization's
popularity.  E.g., if an organization receives 20% of the total
applications for the program, then they'll receive ~20% of the student
slots for the program.  However, we always cap the number of
applications an organization will receive at the total of their
requested number of projects, since we don't want to assign an
organization more students than they can support.  Additional students
beyond an organization's requested cap are reallocated among other
organizations, again based on popularity.  Regardless of an
organization's popularity, we allocated a minimum of two students per
project in 2007, though some projects ended up with only one, either by
request or due to lack of assigned mentors. 

Once we have this base sorting done, we begin manual tweaking.  We do
manual tweaking based on several factors, including but not limited to: 

1) Successful track record with the program, meaning most of your
students passed their final evaluations.  If we know that you'll
deliver, chances are we'll bump up your allocation towards your
requested maximum. 

2) Organizations that produce committers get more students.  It's
important to us that students finish their GSoC projects, but it's more
important to us that you folks get long-term contributors.  If we heard
from you that your students are still engaged and, better yet, are now
full developers or committers, chances are we bumped up your allocation

3) Umbrella organizations get more students.  If an organization is
acting as an umbrella for other projects, e.g. the Python Software
Foundation for 2007, chances are we'll allocate more students to you
simply because there's a great deal of different types of work to be
done, and we're hoping our students will end up with something that
appeals to them among this wide offering. 

4) Mailing list and IRC participation.  Are you answering student
questions non-stop on IRC or providing helpful advice on the mailing
lists?  If you are, that shows us that you're committed to the success
of the program and that you're already highly engaged.  Chances are that
we'll bump up your allocations if we can. 

5) Failure to complete your organization profile.  If you didn't take
the time to let us know how many students you're looking for, chances
are we gave you the minimum, no matter how many you could reasonably
support.  Desired number of projects is critical data for us, and if you
don't provide us with at least an estimate we'll estimate for you. 
Usually at low numbers. 

6) Issues from previous years.  This point refers specifically to
larger, well-established organizations that we know we want to keep
inviting back due to the volume of their contributions to open source. 
If you required more support than everyone else - and not in the "hey,
this isn't documented, what do I do?" way - or more than one or two your
students evaporated, chances are we dialed you back a bit.  

Each time we adjust the allocation for one organization, the remaining
student pool is reallocated amongst the other organizations, based once
again on popularity.  This next reranking can adjust an organizations
slot allocations by +2 to -2 or so, but doesn't vary much more widely
than that.  

Once we're satisfied with our initial allocations, we publish them to
the organizations so you folks can assign mentors to the best N of your
applications.  From there, we do more twibbling based on duplicate
acceptances (usually, the organization losing the student gets the next
one down on the list, but if there's no mentor assigned that a -1 on
slot allocations) and on whether or not mentors are assigned (no mentor
assigned in the final stages before final announcement means that your
organization loses allocated slots).