[CentOS-gsocadmin] Mid-term eval mistake

Mon Jul 6 17:23:09 UTC 2015
Karsten Wade <kwade at redhat.com>

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As most of you have seen by now, I was the one who failed to turn in
mid-term evaluations for my two students by the deadline. tl;dnr I'm
really very sorry, I feel quite like an idiot, and I've caused our
organization to be uninvited from this year's Mentor Summit.

There is no excuse for this. I'm sure you've all experienced stresses
of personal and work life, with conflicting deadlines and priorities.
Regardless of all that and how hard it can be, we have to either get
things done or ask for help in time so that it gets done and doesn't
fall down between the cracks. What made this particularly egregious,
which caused me deep heartache when I realized I missed the deadline,
was the stress on the students and potential risk of their not being
paid for their work so far.

Fortunately the Google team will accept the late evaluations, which
were all passing.

Unfortunately, my (in)action has caused the CentOS Project to be
removed from the attendee list for this year's GSoC Mentor Summit.
That is really sad because you all have worked hard, too, and deserve
a chance to attend the Mentor Summit.

As an experienced admin and mentor I should not have made this basic
and costly mistake.

For all of this, for not being a very good admin this year, and for
messing up our Mentor Summit attendance, I offer all of you my deepest
apologies. I'm very sorry.

Shaun McCance has agreed to co-mentor with me for my two students for
the remainder of the summer. My wish here is to improve the students'
experience and get things to a good close. I also hope I can be a bit
more effective on the admin side, such as helping us all improve our
communication outward and across the project.

Thank you for your understanding,


- - Karsten
- -- 
Karsten 'quaid' Wade        .^\          CentOS Doer of Stuff
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org    \  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'             gpg: AD0E0C41
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