[CentOS-gsocadmin] Reviewing proposals

Sat Mar 28 02:36:51 UTC 2015
Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <sankarshan.mukhopadhyay at gmail.com>


With the cut-off date for submission of proposals behind us, this is
the time to review the proposals. Usually, this is also the stage when
the mentors can assess a student fairly objectively while building up
a rapport. It is possible that the review phase will narrow down or,
extend the scope of the original proposal from the candidate. It is
always a good idea to be mindful of the fact that the
candidates/students have other things on their plates and as the GSoC
term progresses, they may demonstrate a varying degree of interest.

I will be spending a bit of today/Saturday and tomorrow/Sunday mostly
putting in private comments around any aspect that may be a concern.
Meanwhile, I will request the mentors (for the ideas) to take a look
at the submissions. For the ideas which have received multiple
suggestions, it provides the organization with an easy way to
qualitatively compare.


sankarshan mukhopadhyay