[CentOS-mirror] Status of dvd iso for CentOS mirrors.

Mon Apr 16 17:50:50 UTC 2007
David Richardson <david.richardson at utah.edu>

On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, Lance Davis wrote:

> There has been some confusion about the CentOS and CentOS-incdvd rsync 
> targets , and the fact that some mirrors have dvd isos included in the CentOS 
> target, so what we would like to do is to have a list of tier 1 mirrors that 
> :-
> 1. provide rsync access to the complete CentOS release tree
> 2. would be prepared to act as a seed for new mirrors
> 3. would be prepared to set up separate CentOS and CentOS-incdvd targets for 
> other mirrors to sync against, either initial or recurring syncs (the trees 
> would be hardlinked, so extra space required is minimal).

mirror.chpc.utah.edu already has the DVD images and provides rsync access 
to the complete tree, and I would be willing to set up the separate rsync 


David Richardson <david.richardson at utah.edu>
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