[CentOS-mirror] New Mirror Setup Query

Thu Jan 15 15:03:13 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Raveendran, Bathrinath wrote:
> *	What would be the hard disk requirement if we provide mirror support
> for all the versions including ISOs ?

[root at centos centos]# du -sh .
174G    .

That is with DVDs.

> *	What would be the hard disk requirement if we provide mirror support
> for all the versions excluding ISOs ?

[root at centos centos]# du -sh --exclude="*isos/*"

> *	Do we have to disable the active connections during the rsync with
> the master mirror server ?

I don't, I'm using --delay-updates during the mirror process (which
means that you need more diskspace).


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