[CentOS-mirror] New CentOS AltArch Mirror

Mon Nov 12 19:14:57 UTC 2018
Ryan Becker <rb14060 at gmail.com>

HTTP: http://dallas.tx.mirror.xygenhosting.com/centos-altarch
RSYNC: rsync://dallas.tx.mirror.xygenhosting.com/centos-altarch/

Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwidth: 1Gbps
Location: Dallas, TX, USA
Sponsor: XygenHosting
Sponsor URL: http://www.xygenhosting.com/
IPv4 address to authorize:
Email contact: ryan at xygenhosting.com

Initial sync has been completed and we are syncing from another mirror
until we get msync access. This is an AltArch only mirror, and has no
regular mirror.
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