[CentOS-promo] New CentOS intro presentations given at LinuxWorld

Fri Mar 21 14:16:17 UTC 2008
Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com>


I added 2 new CentOS presentations, a Dutch version that was prepared for 
LinuxWorld 2007 Utrecht (NL) and an English updated version that was 
prepared for LinuxWorld 2008 Brussels (BE).

You can find both presentations at:


I would like to receive feedback from an as wide audience as possible. The 
Dutch one needs to be updated to include all the new information from the 
English one, so please focus your attention on the English slides.

This presentation is focused on a business audience and goes much deeper 
into support questions and the advantages of an Enterprise Linux over 
bleeding edge Linux distributions.

Both Ralph and Fabian have similar presentations that are more tuned for 
the community, talking about how one could contribute to the project and 
explaining how the project works.

Thanks in advance
--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]