[CentOS-promo] FrOSCon 2009 - Cleaning up the mess
toshlinux at gmail.com
Mon May 25 16:46:46 UTC 2009
Andreas Rogge wrote:
> I apologize for having messed this up. I absolutely missed the Call for
> Papers. I would have also missed the Call for Projects, if Ralph didn't
> say a word.
> I could argue that the timeframes are too short and complain about
> everything, but after all it is my fault. And thus, I'll try to clean
> that mess up.
> The FrOSCon deadline for the project registration is 30.05.2009. My
> personal deadline for that is 27.05.2009 24:00 CEST. So if we want to
> decide any fundamental stuff, we need to do it quickly.
no worries :D
more than enough time
> Has anyone of you (besides Didi) had a chance to submit a Paper in time?
yes 3, all about CentOS
* CentOS Small Enterprise Server : Why it makes sense?
* CentOS on the Enterprise Desktop : How and why?
* Centos as a kiosk : An overview of the different possibilities
> Does anyone want to give a talk/lecture/workshop/whatever? If we can
> fill half a day I can try to get a devroom where we can do it.
> I can offer my talk about diskless CentOS with iSCSI and a
> workshop/demonstration afterwards (about 1 hour).
Ok, but then you would have to point out that I submitted them already
and they will be held in the devroom
> As I'll need a rough estimate of the number of people, I'd really
> appreciate if everyone who is willing to help out could tell me as soon
> as possible. One or two people more or less aren't a big deal, but last
> year we had one desk and two chairs for about six people...
Under all normal circumstances, I will be present
> With the information I currently have I would order two desks, five
> chairs and a movable wall for posters.
> We can also have a bar table which we could probably place somewhere in
> front of our booth. Maybe this is a good idea, what do you think?
I don't know the layout of the ground, but a bar table tends to be
easier to talk to people
Toshaan <toshlinux at gmail.com> - http://www.toshaan.be
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