Hi, Anyone have that problem xen installation? [root at xen64-dev ~]# virsh autostart appl error: Failed to mark domain appl as autostarted error: internal error sexpr2string failed root at xen64-dev opt]# rpm -qa |grep libvirt libvirt-client-0.7.0-6.el5 libvirt-python-0.7.0-6.el5 libvirt-0.7.0-6.el5 [root at xen64-dev opt]# rpm -qa |grep xen xen-libs-3.4.2-2.el5 kernel-xen-2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 xen-3.4.2-2.el5 For at ll P.S Maybe newer version libvirt 0.7.4 is working fine? It's exist any repo where I find libvirt-0.7.4 for centos 5.4 ?