[CentOS-virt] Controlling allocation of ethernet devices and KVM

Fri Nov 27 01:02:19 UTC 2009
Steven Ellis <steven.ellis at bulletin.net>

Running Centos 5.4 with KVM on a Dell R610 server and I'd like to
control which of the four ethernet interfaces are used for specific tasks

My ideal configuration would be

eth0 - Host traffic only, no virtual guests. Used for guest mirroring
and management.
eth1 - NAT guest traffic only, no address for local machine and in some
environments in the same zone as eth0
eth2/3 - Allocated to two different bridge devices which might be in
separate network zones.

The configuration of eth2/3 is fairly simple, my issue is restricting
any NAT traffic to a specific ethernet devices, and ideally one with no
local IP.

Any ideas?


    *Steven Ellis - Director of Worldwide Engineering,*
    *Bulletin.Net Inc* - http://www.bulletin.net/
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