[CentOS-virt] Traffic Accounting & KVM vs Xen

Fri Aug 16 04:36:31 UTC 2013
Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mihamina at rktmb.org>

On 2013-08-16 02:24, Robert Dinse wrote:
>        I am getting to where we want to offer virtual servers for lease but to
> do so we need some method of measuring and/or limiting traffic to individual
> guests.
>        I am wondering what others are using for this purpose?  I know that you
> can look at traffic stats on the bridge on the host machine but that
> information is lost when the machine is rebooted.  I'm wondering if there is
> any software that databases that information on an ongoing basis and does not
> lost information across reboots?

What would be your policies when reaching the quota?
Depending on that, you could take some solution or another.
In a previous work, we used AAA with Coova and FreeRADIUS, but you can 
also just use iptables.


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