[CentOS] Manual Paritioning with fdisk

Mon Apr 11 22:56:45 UTC 2005
Johnn Tan <waterbuffalo at fastmail.fm>

> I make hda1 software raid and hdc1 software raid
> then use the RAID button, make RAID1 hda1 hdc1 OK
> I end up with hda1 hda2 as md1

Did you *only* create hda1 and hdc1? I vaguely remember a similar 
problem. And my workaround was to do only those two, then immediately 
use the RAID button to make md0. After md0 is created, create hda2 and 
hdc2, then RAID again to make md1.

And you should have no problem making any of the md devices a swap 
partition (just choose swap instead of ext2/ext3/reiserfs/LVM/etc.).
