[CentOS] <OT> RedHat support

Mon Apr 4 23:33:29 UTC 2005
John Newbigin <jnewbigin at ict.swin.edu.au>

When I first started CentOS-2 I purchased RHEL21ES out of my own pocket 
because I wanted to make sure that CentOS-2 was as close to the real 
product as possible.

I was most unimpressed with the RH support.  In fact I would call it 
shit house.  For a list of bugs see

The one time I called telephone support I got transfered to some 
American call center who could not understand a thing I said (obviously 
in my harsh Australian accent) and in the end I gave up.  Needless to 
say I don't pay them shit anymore and I just do everything myself.

 From my observations, there is no such thing as support from RedHat.


Collins Richey wrote:

> As a parallel question to my thread about CentOS for commercial use,
> here's a question I've been wondering about.
> How many of you who have RHEL licenses and paid support licenses have
> ever needed actually to request support? And if you did was the
> support any bit more timely or accurate than community support for
> CentOS or other distros?

John Newbigin
Computer Systems Officer
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia