[CentOS] Installing/Activating GUI for Server Settings

Tue Aug 16 16:40:32 UTC 2005
Chris Mauritz <chrism at imntv.com>

Todd Cary wrote:

> I do not believe the book I would like has been written: "Basic RH 
> Linux Admin".  My book shelves are well populated with Linux books, 
> but they give so much information that it makes the retrival of many 
> questions hard to find.  Of course being dyslexic only adds to the 
> problem.

The "problem," if you can call it that, is that Linux can do so many 
things.  It's difficult to have a "Cliff Notes" version of a real 
Linux-centric system admin book.  There are a number of well written 
online sites that have more trimmed down versions of various howtos and 
other documentation.  Google is your friend.  8-)
