[CentOS] xfs module not loading

Thu Aug 18 16:07:25 UTC 2005
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

Fong Vang wrote:
> I'm trying to add XFS and ReiserFS to CentOS, integrating with
> Kickstart.  I think I'm fairly close.  I've added xfs.ko and
> reiserfs.ko to modules.cgz in initrd.  Several of my partitions now
> specify --fstype=xfs.  I can see tty5 mkfs.xfs is creating the XFS
> file systems.  The system currently installs completely via kickstart,
> but it does not mount the XFS file systems while in the kick process. 
> /mnt/sysimage/etc/fstab is populated correctly.
> In tty2, lsmod does not show that the xfs module is loaded (ext3 is in
> the list).  I tried loading it manually with modprobe and insmod but I
> don't think it's loading (no error message at all -- no error).
> BTW, as with Fedora, I also specified 'xfs' as an option to syslinux/pxelinux.
> What else am I missing?  

How did you add xfs.ko and reiserfs.ko to modules.cgz in initrd?

By default, the initrd doesn't have any file system modules - they are 
normally loaded at stage2 time

The way I've got XFS to work is to make sure the xfsprogs and XFS 
enabled kernel RPMS are in the distribution tree - you might need to add 
xfsprogs to the CentOS/base/comps.xml file (not sure if it is required, 
as I think anaconda will install it anyway if xfs is selected at install 
time) and then rebuild your installer ... which is easier said than 
done, but basically involves installing the anaconda-runtime RPM and its 
dependencies and then running the various build scripts - which are all 
given in http://centos.hughesjr.com/testing/build.sh.txt

James Pearson