[CentOS] CentOS 4.1 yum update just hangs

Mon Aug 22 17:22:15 UTC 2005
Robin Mordasiewicz <robin at bullseye.tv>

On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 13:02 -0400, Robin Mordasiewicz wrote:
>> On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
>>>> I've had this exact same problem, and I uninstalled yum reinstalled it
>>>> and it work for a day and then back to the same.  I've also had it
>>>> working temporarily by doing a yum clean-all then yum makecache.  But
>>>> next day it went back to doing the same old hang up.  I'm not sure if
>>>> this is a yum problem or a centos problem.
>>> I was having this exact issue recently. Or at least, Yum was hanging at the
>>> same stage as what you describe.
>>> It was recommended to me on this list to do the following:
>>> cd /var/lib/rpm
>>> rm __db.00*
>>> rpm --rebuilddb
>>> This seems to have cleared up the problem for me. It might work for you.
>> Are you running x86_64 ?
>> Or is anyone here running x86_64 CentOS 4 and having success with yum
>> update ?
> I run x86_64 with no problems ...
> What kind of install is it, Workstation or Server?
> After the upgrade where RPM is upgraded, it is actually a good idea to
> rebuild the database.
> The machine I use to autobuild all updates is an x86_64 machine that
> runs with 6 chroots.

The install was a kickstart install with mostly defaults. I dont think you 
can specify server/desktop variations in the kickstart, and I dont know if 
that would make a difference, other than default package selection ?

I did a default install from the DVD and it should not make the mahcine 
useless to run "yum update"

I would like to figure out what it is that is broken. I am not an expert 
in this field, and having troubles narrowing it down.

It is definitely not faulty hardware, although it could be hardware 
incompatibilities, but CentOS-3 worked perfectly fine.