[CentOS] Compaq V2000 laptop no USB recognized

Jerry Geis

geisj at pagestation.com
Tue Dec 20 02:44:48 UTC 2005

Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com <http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos>> wrote:
>/ I thought USB was well established....
Ha!  Ha!  Ha ha ha ha!  Sorry man, just tossed the cookies
there, that statement was just too funny.

[ Insider knowledge:  USB was never designed for block
devices ]

Anyhoo, understand that USB isn't a set of standards, never
was.  Although some standards have been built around it for
various functionality.

Furthermore, you still have to have an OHCI (1.2/12Mbps) or
EHCI (480Mbps) driver for your host.  End user devices are up
in the air, although most storage devices have come up with
simple block mechanisms that are typically followed.

>/ I thought trying to recompile the kernel for realtek
/>/ support might get my networking going...
/>/ I am stuck???
Depends on your chipset.  I'd be interested in finding out

Without being able to copy anything off the PC I did an lspci

USB Controller Intel 82801 (ICH6 Family) Rev 3



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