[CentOS] Compaq V2000 laptop no USB recognized

Bryan J. Smith

thebs413 at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 20 03:14:36 UTC 2005

Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com> wrote:
> Without being able to copy anything off the PC I did an
> lspci
> USB Controller Intel 82801 (ICH6 Family) Rev 3

The ICH6 should be supported, unless Intel really changed

What is the exact model of your USB storage device?
What does "lsusb" give you, if anything?

What about what comes up in /var/log/messages when you stick
the device in?  [ tail -f /var/log/messages, then stick in
the device ]

Bryan J. Smith     Professional, Technical Annoyance                      b.j.smith at ieee.org      http://thebs413.blogspot.com
*** Speed doesn't kill, difference in speed does ***

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