[CentOS] PostgreSQL/SELinux Error - relation "pg_catalog.pg_user" does not exist

Tue May 24 12:08:31 UTC 2005
Chris Mauritz <chrism at imntv.com>

Bryan J. Smith wrote:

>Unfortunately, Mandatory Access Controls (MACs) are a necessary
>accountability detail needed in many environments.
>But we needed MAC.  It's a good thing to have in many environments --
>especially where accountability is essential.

I concede that SElinux may be useful in some enterprise environments or 
on systems with shared access.  For a typical server install, it's 
simply in the way because it breaks so many other packages and creates 
an extra layer of complexity where it's really not necessary.  I've 
always thought it should be turned off by default.  People that need MAC 
will know how to turn it back on and it will spare "the innocents" 
(grin) from posting a gazillion messages about why their favourite 
software packages are broken with CentOS/RHEL/etc.
