[CentOS] cdrecord Error (Permissions?)

Mon Nov 28 16:15:25 UTC 2005
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Barry Brimer wrote:
> Quoting Alex White <ethericalzen at gmail.com>:
> There is a statement about burning CDs as a non-root user under 2.6.8+ kernels
> at the main page for cdrecord
> <http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/cdrecord.html>
> The summary version is: Burn CDs as root.

That has been fixed in later versions of the kernel (no, it's not
2.6.8+, it's only 2.6.8 AFAIR) - and surely has been fixed on CentOS, as
I do not have any problems burning CDs as a non-root user.

| [angenenr at shutdown ~]$ls -l /dev/hdc
| brw-------  1 angenenr disk 22, 0 Nov  9 14:34 /dev/hdc

I would think that udev does that for me.

Ralph Angenendt......ra at br-online.de | .."Text processing has made it possible
Bayerischer Rundfunk...HA-Multimedia | ....to right-justify any idea, even one
Rundfunkplatz 1........80300 München | .which cannot be justified on any other
Tl:089.5900.16023..Fx:089.5900.16240 | ..........grounds." -- J. Finnegan, USC
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