[CentOS] (no subject) -- sincerest apologies ...

Wed Oct 12 02:26:40 UTC 2005
Tom <admin at homemachine.net>

William L. Maltby wrote:
> I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone needs to lighten up once in a while.
> The guy who said drop it may be an "official", but he obviously is
> taking this stuff (and himself?) way to seriously. It's not like the
> bandwidth used by this rinky-dink break from the day's labors is going
> to make a major impact on either the human or spectral resources, in
> comparison to all the non-CentOS stuff I've seen since I came aboard.
> So to he who says "No to short humorous threads", I say get the "Pretty
> Good Joke Book" by Garrison Keillor (Sp?), read a little and leave us to
> enjoy a little bit now and then!  :-))

this is not a playlist, if that's what you want go elsewhere.
there is already way too much OT and crap coming from members of this 
list, grow up FFS.

do as the moderator politely asked before and end this thread now.