[CentOS] Why is yum not liked by some?

Wed Sep 14 15:43:17 UTC 2005
Steven Vishoot <sir_funzone at yahoo.com>

--- "Bryan J. Smith" <b.j.smith at ieee.org> wrote:

> Steven Vishoot quoted Bryan J. Smith today, instead
> of
> _anyone_else_ over the last 3 days (when Mr. Smith
> didn't
> bother responding):  
> > sir_funzone pulls out the shotgun and aims, calls
> the
> > word pull, seeing the thread Re: [CentOS] Why is
> yum
> > not liked by some? in his gunsite. Pulls the
> trigger
> > and hears the load pop of the shotgun going off,
> > hoping the sluge will hit its target. Whamo target
> > sought and hopefully destroyed with exploding
> force
> > that it is never seen again..... waiting to see if
> > that little rascal has survived, sir_funzone
> reloads
> > his shotgun and points it toward the direction of
> the
> > thread Re: [CentOS] Why is yum not liked by some?
> > hoping not to see it come alive again...
> Thank you for quoting _my_ post even though I had
> _not_
> responded to this thread for 3 days prior!  And I
> _only_
> responded 3 times yesterday -- 2 of them with an
> _explicit_
> "real world" solution.
> In other words, even if I _ignore_ a thread, these
> things
> _still_ continue.  And most of them are
> meta-discussions
> among people who actually don't know how much of the
> things
> work.
> But go ahead, make me the scapegoat.  Just show how
> unobjective people are, they like to focus on me --
> maybe
> it's because I challenge people too much because ...
> oh, I
> don't know ... I actually OFFER REAL-WORLD SOLUTIONS
> instead
> of pondering and hoping.
> -- 
> Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
> mailto:b.j.smith at ieee.org     |  (please excuse any
> http://thebs413.blogspot.com/ |   missing headers)
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,, Did i mention
Bryan in the post....if i read it again it says
thread! unless i am going blind deaf and dumb...please
inform me if i am....


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