[CentOS] YUM Plugins: I seem to be "unplugged"?

Thu Apr 6 14:23:17 UTC 2006
William L. Maltby <BillsCentOS at triad.rr.com>

Have followed all instructions, googled and read Johnny's November post,
went to Duke (not physically, web-spherically, although it's only 45
minutes away),...

and still can't see how I have protectbase operational.

[root at wlmlfs08 ~]# yum -C --disablerepo=rpmforge list|grep yum
centos-yumconf.noarch             4-4.5                  installed
yum.noarch                        2.4.2-2.centos4        installed
yum-plugin-fastestmirror.noarch   0.2.4-3.c4             installed
yum-utils.noarch                  0.5-1.c4               installed
yumex.noarch                      0.99.11-1.0.c4         installed

Haven't been able to find a protect base python plugin from CentOS,
although I clearly recall it being said that CentOS supported it and the
fastest mirrors.

Need to get it from the Duke plugin web page? Or what did I do wrong?

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